Health Resources

PIH does not provide diagnoses, clinical assessment, or treatment services.  The tests and feedback available at this website are for educational purposes only.  If you have concerns about your mental or physical health, we encourage you to speak with a licensed treatment provider.

PIH does not endorse or recommend any third party commercial products or services. Information on the website may not be used by private parties for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

PIH is not responsible for, and disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site.

The following is a list of resources for you to look through and consider. We have provided links to information about specific illnesses, treatment resources, and general physical and mental health information.

Information Links

Mental Health Resources

  • Accessing High Quality Mental Health Treatment
  • Mental Health Treatment Referrals
  • Help for Suicidal Thoughts and Urges
  • Information about Specific Mental Health Disorders
  • Self-Help Books for Mental Health
  • Mental Health Medication Information

  • Mental and Physical Health Resources

  • General Information
  • Online Programs (Websites and Mobile Applications)
  • Professional Organizations
  • Accessing High Quality Mental Health Treatment

    Please note that when looking for appropriate treatment options, you may want to consider the following:

    Look for a psychological or psychiatric treatment with scientific research supporting its effectiveness.

    To learn more about evidence-based treatments, see this brief clip
    from the National Center for PTSD.

    Find a treatment provider with whom you feel comfortable. This means it is absolutely within your rights to ask questions before committing to any specific type of treatment, whether it be psychotherapy or medication.

    Remember that everyone struggles with feelings of sadness or worry or not liking how they look, etc. It is normal to experience these feelings at times, and having a few symptoms does not mean that you meet criteria for a diagnosis of a mental disorder. However, we recommend that you consider seeking a professional evaluation if you are experiencing these symptoms more strongly than is typical for you (or for most other people you know), for an extended period of time (e.g., extremely sad mood for more than a couple weeks), or if the symptoms start to interfere with your ability to live your life in the way you want.

    Mental Health Treatment Referrals

    American Psychological Association (APA):
    APA provides educational information, links for information about disorders and treatment, and referral assistance for those seeking psychological therapy.

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA):
    This site provides local psychological treatment resources in your area.

    Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT):
    ABCT provides referrals for those seeking psychological therapy, as well as educational opportunities and articles about cognitive and behavioral therapies.

    Help for Suicidal Thoughts and Urges

    Emergency Services:

    Dial 911 or visit the emergency department of your local hospital.

    National Suicide Hotlines:

    1-800-273-TALK (8255)

    Calls are automatically directed to the nearest local Crisis Center in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network and answered by trained crisis counselors. Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

    Teen Hotlines:


    Girls & Boys Town hotline:
    Staffed by trained counselors and provides support for parents and children

    1-800-252-TEEN (8336)

    Samaritans hotline:
    A peer service staffed by volunteers ages 15-18; hours: 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST (weekdays); 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (weekends)


    Covenant House hotline:
    Provides support to at-risk and homeless teens; hours: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST


    The Trevor Project hotline:
    Staffed by trained counselors and provides support to LBGT teens

    National Suicide Hotlines for speech-impaired and deaf callers:

    1-800-799-4TTY (4889)

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (TTY)


    Girls & Boys Town hotline (TTY)

    Suicide Prevention Websites

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
    Provides a search for the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline Network and information for Veterans and their families.
    Provides resources for helping a loved one who is suicidal and a list of suicide hotlines outside of the U.S.
    Provides information on what to expect when calling a hotline and a directory of local hotlines by state."

    Information about Specific Mental Health Disorders

    Anxiety and Depression Association of America:
    This site offers information on a range of anxiety problems, such as panic disorder and social phobia, as well as on depression. It includes information about multiple ways to seek help, including in-person treatments, support groups, online options, and self-help publications, among others.

    Obsessive Compulsive Foundation (OCF):
    This is a not-for-profit organization comprised of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders, their families, friends, professionals and other concerned individuals.
    Provides information about depression and different types of psychological treatments appropriate for depression.

    Eating Disorder Information:
    Provides information and treatment resources to those struggling with eating disorders and weight and body image issues.

    National Eating Disorders Association:
    Provides information and treatment referrals to those suffering from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder, and those concerned with body image and weight issues.

    Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration:
    Provides information about research and treatment for substance abuse for those struggling with addiction.

    Self-Help Books for Mental Health

    The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies provides lists of self-help books that they endorse for numerous problem areas, categorized by title, author, or topic:

    The Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides lists of books and additional self-help materials (e.g., DVDs) that have been authored by members of the association:

    Popular self-help books for managing depression, anxiety and other disorders of emotion include:

    Face Your Fears: A Proven Plan to Beat Anxiety, Panic, Phobias, and Obsessions (Tolin, 2012)

    Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (Burns, 2008)

    Mind Over Mood (Greenberger & Padesky, 1995)

    The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook (Antony, 2000)

    Stop Obsessing (Foa & Wilson, 2001)

    Note, these books are generally based on treatment principles that have strong research support, but there is variability in whether or not the specific books' effectiveness as a form of bibliotherapy has been tested.

    Mental Health Medication Information

    To learn more about medication options for treating anxiety and depression, and related disorders, see:

    General Information

    The site provides health information, a supportive community, and educational services by blending expertise in health issues with community services, expert commentary, and medical review.

    Mental Health Resources

    National Institute of Mental Health:
    This site provides information from the Federal agency that conducts and supports research on mental illnesses.

    National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
    NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families.

    Mental Health America:
    Mental Health America declares as its mission: "promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illness through advocacy, education, research and services.”

    This site functions as a mental health social network, created and run by mental health professionals to provide reliable information and support to consumers.

    Canadian Psychological Association's "Psychology Works Fact Sheets":
    The site provides information about the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses as well as information about their effective treatments.

    Physical Health Resources

    The American Heart Association:
    The site offers offers resources for healthy living (including diet and exercise) as well as for detecting and coping with heart conditions

    National Sleep Foundation:
    The site offers offers information about and resources for improving and maintaining healthy sleep

    American Diabetes Association:
    The site offers recipies for healthy eating as well as resources and communities for those affected by diabetes

    National Cancer Institute:
    The site offers a variety of resources related to all forms of cancer for patients, caregivers, and family alike

    Quit Smoking:
    Ready to quit smoking? The smokefree website can help you find a method that works for you, develop a quit quit plan, and can even text you health tips

    Online Programs (Websites and Mobile Applications)

    Mental Health

    This site offers information on a range of anxiety problems, such as panic disorder and social phobia, as well as on depression. It includes information about multiple ways to seek help, including in-person treatments, support groups, online options, and self-help publications, among others.

    Online programs for depression and anxiety based on cognitive behavior therapy principles. (Free and has been translated into several languages.)

    This Way Up:
    Online programs for depression and anxiety based on cognitive behavior therapy principles. (Some cost and clinician involvement.)

    While there has generally been less research testing mobile applications, to learn about existing research support for mobile applications and to access mobile applications for various disorders, visit Beacon

    In addition, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides ratings of mobile applications based on their ease of use, likely effectiveness, and research evidence:

    Physical Health

    Seven-Minute Workout:
    Exercise is essential for physical health. However, many people do not have the time or resources to work out. Johnson and Johnson has developed 7-minute work out app offers a fully customizable short (7-minutes) daily workouts that can be completed anywhere.

    Eat Right:
    The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers a variety of tips, tricks, and recipes to improve your healthy eating habits.

    Your Disease Risk:
    Washington University's Siteman Cancer Center offers a variety of online risk calculators that can help you determine your risk for a variety of health conditions including several types of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and stroke.

    Professional Organizations

    Articles, Research, & Resources in Psychology:
    This site provides free access to full-text articles and other resources on assessment, therapy, forensics, ethics in psychology, etc.

    American Psychological Association:
    APA provides educational information, links for information about disorders and treatment, and referral assistance for those seeking psychological therapy.

    American Psychiatric Association:
    APA provides educational information about the field of psychiatry and current issues in the news, etc., as well as links for information about medication therapy, and a variety of research and clinical issues.

    Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT):
    ABCT provides educational opportunities, access to journals reporting research about issues related to behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy, and referrals for those seeking psychological therapy.

    National Institute on Drug Abuse:
    Provides current information and findings for researchers to improve prevention, treatment, and policy for drug abuse and addiction.