If you received inconclusive test results, the most likely reason is that one or more of the following events took place:

  • You were interrupted one or more times during the test
  • You misclassified a large number of words or images
  • The instructions were not clear to you before starting the test
  • You did not respond fast enough to provide interpretable results

Please feel free to take the Implicit Association Test again. If you do, here are some tips on obtaining meaningful results:

  1. Don't worry if you make a few errors -- inconclusive results are actually more likely if you make no errors than if you make a few errors.
  2. Try to remember which category goes with each key so that you don't need to check the on-screen reminders too often.
  3. Try to make sure that you won't be interrupted during the test session.

To take the Implicit Association Test again, please choose a test below:

Race Test: This version of the Implicit Association Test measures unconscious or automatic associations of "good" and "bad" with Black and White people.

Gender Test: This version of the Implicit Association Test measures stereotypic associations of "career" and "family" with females and males.